With much work already done and no small investment in time and research, things are coming to a head for the UK’s emerging tuna fishery.

One of the best assets we have when it comes to development of this, is knowledge of the facts and awareness of what stage the process towards an established fishery is at.

To this end, you will find several links contained in this article concerning UK Government reforms on seizing new freedoms outside the EU which mark a clear departure from the Common Fisheries Policy and a new consultation on permitting regimes for the recreational targeting of bluefin tuna in UK waters.

 Please feel free to distribute these links to anyone else who may be interested in this subject and or have a vested business interest in the same. We have also included some contact information should you wish to know more from the departments in question.

UK Government seizes post-Brexit freedoms for fishing industry – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Also contained in this document is information about a consultation launched by Defra on July 17th, on the permitting of regimes for the recreational targeting of bluefin tuna in UK waters. The consultation and its associated documents can be viewed via this link.

The deadline for responses to this consultation is 23:59 on September 4th, 2023. Please make sure that you request any further information and or initiate any correspondence with DEFRA as early as possible in order to complete your responses in good time.

 This consultation represents a significant step by DEFRA towards the long-term sustainable management of a UK Tuna fishery and turnover for the angling industry. This consultation is part of a wider set of announcements that were launched by the Government on the 17th, towards taking a key step in delivering a thriving, sustainable fishing industry and healthy marine environment for generations to come and it is essential that the angling industry is aware of all such developments.

If you have any questions for DEFRA, please direct them to the DEFRA mailbox recreational-seafishing@defra.gov.uk

If you want to read more about the announcements that were made, and access additional links to the some of the consultations, click here.

The continued collaboration and support that the angling industry brings to bear on these developments, greatly assists the finalisation of DEFRA plans that aim to deliver a profitable and sustainable future for UK fisheries from which we all ultimately benefit.

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