The Angling Trades Association is now directly engaged with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and its consultation process on lead. 

The ECHA investigation into the need and potential scope for a restriction on lead in fishing tackle will result in the submission of a restriction dossier to the EU in October 2020. If agreed upon, restrictions on the use of lead in fishing tackle could come in to force by the end of 2022. 

In preparation for the deliberation process, ECHA are collecting information from all those in the industry likely to be adversely affected by any restrictions. The potential consequences for the sector including the socio-economic impacts can then be quantified. 

During this investigative phase, it is crucial that the angling trade voices an opinion. The ECHA objective is to put forward proposals that represent the most appropriate way forward when weighed against the identified risks. No restrictions have been decided at this point, so it is vitally important that we provide opinions to the questions being posed. 

You can find more information on the process and its aims via

The ATA wants to hear from you…

Both members and non-members are invited to send their opinions so that we can collate an effective industry response for ECHA. If, as looks likely, restrictions are to be introduced, the ATA’s role will be to ensure that the transition to lead free industry is best managed for the industry and angling.

Download, complete and return the form to to have your say:

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Join the Angling Trades Association and become part of our influential body, dedicated to supporting the tackle industry and promoting the wider angling agenda that is so important to us.
