In 2022, ATA was able to launch a completely revamped and extended angling recruitment and interventions programme under its Take A Friend Fishing (TAFF) and National Fishing Month (NFM) brands thanks to the generous support of leading industry brands.
Members overwhelmingly backed an exclusive Premier Support package enabling ATA to complete the development of two brand new web sites complete with data gathering platforms, in time for the start of the 2022 campaign.
ATA was also able to develop a series of downloadable assets for registrants to use during NFM month backed up with purpose-built series of newsletters, enabling thousands of new anglers to engage more than ever with what TAFF and NFM had to offer.
This extended engagement with new anglers allowed ATA and other stakeholders to learn far more about the early stages of an angling journey, and, for the first time, to begin to gathering crucial data about new and returning anglers via its two purpose-built platforms.
Fast forward to 2023 and this year and, after more positive dialogue with the Environment Agency (EA), ATA has agreed an extended TAFF programme to build on the successes already achieved in 2022 with the new look programme.
With continued support from Angling Trust and Canal and River Trust as well as a host of new organisations including Tackling Minds, this year’s running of ATA’s recruitment and interventions programme is well set to outstrip the successes of 2022 and get even more people back on the bank and or trying fishing for the first time.
“The whole trade should behind these projects, and that is our ultimate aim for NFM and TAFF. Both brands are fully supported by EA and all major stakeholders who recognise them as the best way to focus attention on and add value to, the many interventions being run across the industry”.
“TAFF in particular is an opportunity for even the smallest business to invest in angling and I would urge fisheries, retailers, manufacturers, coaches, and anyone else with a commercial interest in angling to take time out and promote TAFF via their social media streams. Support for TAFF means support for your business both now and in the future,” said ATA chairman Andrew Race.
There are two windows of opportunity already confirmed for TAFF in 2023, including an Easter promotion from the 1st to the 16th of April and an extended summer window from 29th July to the 3rd of September to cover the whole of National Fishing Month and ATA’s Get Into Fishing relaunch event at the Game Fair on 28th to 30th July.
National Fishing Month 2023 will run in again throughout the month of August with the Game Fair based launch event at Ragley. Purposely designed with new and lapsed anglers in mind, the Ragley event has a completely new profile that encompasses all the aspects needed to engage and inform non-anglers about angling and the angling environment.
In the coming months ATA and industry stakeholders will be extensively promoting both TAFF and NFM programmes nationwide to drive up awareness facilitate as many opportunities as possible for new anglers to engage at venues up and down the country.
Exclusive ATA member only sponsorship and brand association opportunities will once again be available again for the 2023 campaign via Premier Support packages.
To find out more about getting your brand in front of thousands of new, lapsed and current anglers view our web platforms at , and and or get in touch with ATA administration for advice on membership via