Three of the EFTTA board have resigned their positions following the European trade association’s decision not to accept their bid to run the EFTTEX 2024 trade show.
The trio – István Pál (above left), Ciro Esposito (above right) and Rudi Heger (not pictuied) – were a key part of the organising team for the 2023 event in Budapest this summer and had tabled a comprehensive plan for next year’s event.
But when the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association board – which owns the EFTTEX name – unanimously threw the proposal out, the trio felt there was little option but to stand down.
István, the CEO of Hungarian supplier Energofish, said he could no longer justify a board position when it did not back the efforts of the EFTTEX Trading (also known as EFTTEX Hungary) team which had delivered what he described as a successful 2023 venture.
He told Tackle Trade World magazine: “All of the work we did and invested in has been lost as a result of this decision.
“It seems that EFTTA’s plan is to focus on lobbying activity in Brussels, although I am guessing it will not be the only activity they intend to run.”
EFTTEX Trading released an official statement to the trade following the move: “We would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for attending EFTTEX 2023.
”Your presence, support and engagement helped us to make it a success.
Without you, we couldn’t have had such a fantastic time in Budapest.
Hopefully you enjoyed the event and found it valuable for your business.
“Based on EFTTA-AISBL’s decision, we would like to inform you that EFTTEX Trading Ltd. will no longer be the organiser of future EFTTEX shows. EFTTEX Trading Ltd. will hand over all relevant information to EFTTA-AISBL within a short time for further use. For more information about upcoming EFTTEX exhibitions, please contact EFTTA-AISBL.
“On behalf of the organising team of EFTTEX 2023, we wish all the best to you and the entire industry.”
Earlier in the year, EFTTA had distanced itself from the EFTTEX event, explaining it would focus solely on its work in Brussels, safeguarding the future of the sport and the industry through its lobbying work within the European parliament.
However, it allowed the organisers to continue with the show at HungExpo in Budapest in June on the basis that it would benefit from the event‘s profits.
However, as will be revealed in the November issue of TTW, the official records show that EFTTEX 2023 made no profits at all.
A statement from the EFTTA board on what happens next is due soon.