The Angling Trades Association (ATA) took part in the first round-table discussion on the use of lead in fishing tackle on November 18th
This discussion was arranged by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to enable key stakeholders in the European angling industry to highlight key information needs for the forthcoming consultation on the restriction proposals for lead in angling.
During the meeting ATA was able to give its views on the assumptions being made by ECHA and the drivers and barriers for substituting lead in angling as well as its concerns about aspects of the data contained in previous reports.
Andrew Race, ATA chairman, said: “Unlike other stakeholders, the ATA is uniquely placed to advise on the effects of lead replacement having been involved in processes behind the UK small size lead ban in 1986” “That ban identified and resolved key issues surrounding wading birds and environment. It achieved a lot of what ECHA is looking to affect and it would make sense for them to enact the same restrictions across Europe as an initial step to catch up with the UK process”
“Correctly imposed, a UK style ban would be easily introduced and policed. Substitute products are already available and in conjunction with the proper awareness programme, both anglers and angling trade will acclimatise quickly”.
“The good news is that ATA can have an input and affect the overall process. We still have opportunity to engage in the future consultation process with ECHA and there is plenty of scope to get affect a result that achieves both socio-economic and environmental goals for angling”.