Whether you are a seasoned angler with bags of experience, a keen hobbyist looking for tips to improve or you simply want to learn more about the sport, then the ATA-backed Get Into Fishing village at The Game Fair, nestled beside the picturesque river at Blenheim Palace, is the place to be.

Learn to fly cast or compete for prizes in a range of fun competitions and activities – on land and on the river – or uncover the secrets of how to tie your own flies during the three-day event, from July 26th to 28th.

You’ll also be able to meet celebrities and professional anglers or watch films and panel discussions in the Landing Stage fishing theatre or simply browse the wide selection of new, used and even antique tackle on show.

Come and meet Jeremy Wade – the star of hit TV series River Monsters –who will be in the Fishing Village throughout the weekend, doing demonstrations and talks answering questions as well as signing copies of his books – River Monsters and How To Think Like A Fish.

Marina Gibson, one of the best-known female anglers on the planet, has just launched her first book, entitled Cast, Catch Release. She’ll be on hand throughout Saturday, entertaining the crowds on the casting platform, chatting about fishing and signing copies of her book.

England international fly fisher Simon Kidd will be outlining in how to get started in the sport certified master casting instructor Chris Hague will be helping you unravel and mysteries of Spey casting as well as offering tips on the best rod and line pairings.

Three-times world Spey casting champion Scott Mackenzie will be offering a Spey casting masterclass as well as showcasing his selection of own brand rods, lines and apparel.

Hywel Morgan, world and European casting champion and Welsh international fly angler Hywel Morgan will be compering the casting demonstrations on the dedicated pontoon near the bridge as well as providing some cool demonstrations of his own.

If lure fishing is your thing then top predator angler and guide Gary Palmer will be revealing some of his lure fishing secrets on the both the demo pontoon and in the Landing Stage fishing theatre. Or swing by his fully kitted out predator boat for a glimpse of the latest fish-finding electronics and gear.

Dive beneath the surface of our rivers with filmmaker Mark Barrow. On Saturday and Sunday, he will be talking about his underwater camera work and the species – and pollution – he encounters in our British waters.

Also on the pollution theme – or prevention of it – Steve Tapp from the Anglers’ National Line Recycling Scheme will be outlining why you shouldn’t just throw your old mono away, He’ll be revealing some of the cool fishing items that can be made from our waste lines.

Dave Lyons from Tackling Minds will be explaining the benefits of fishing for our mental health. Dave and his organisation – one of The Game Fair’s official charities this year – has taken thousands of people fishing in the last few years to help them get over a range of issues and has even managed to get fishing prescribed on the NHS!
Step back in time with antique tackle expert Victor Bonutto, who, for the 34th year, will be displaying a range of tackle from yesteryear and explaining the value of that kit that has been sat in your attic for decades.

If you’re planning your next big fishing adventure, then Kara Knight, a veteran in the fly fishing industry and competitive spey caster, will be sharing her knowledge of angling for wild steelhead, western Canada’s equivalent to Atlantic salmon, in the remote British Columbia wilderness. Come learn about skating dry flies for 30lb steelhead in the Canadian north from her Suskeena Lodge.

Or chat to the experts at Go Fishing Worldwide about a range of global angling destinations.

If you need some kit then the knowledgeable teams from Hardy, Greys and Vision will be on the Garry Evans retail stand, advising about the best kit to purchase

Whatever your level of interest – from beginner to expert and from coarse, carp, predator and game to sea – you’ll find something to get you hooked in the Fishing Village.

From fly casting competitions to fun activities, fly tying tuition and more, you’ll have the chance to test out your skills against some of the best in the business.


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